I = 1
II = 2
III = 3
IV = 4
V = 5
VI = 6
VII = 7
VIII = 8
IX = 9
X = 10
XI = 11
XIX = 19
XX = 20
XXX = 30
LX= 60
LXX = 70
XC = 90
C = 100
CC = 200
CCC = 300
CD = 400
D = 500
DC = 600
DCC = 700
DCCC = 800
CM = 900
M = 1,000
MCC = 1,200
MCM = 1,900
MM = 2,000
MMVII = 2,007
V = 5,000 (With a line over the V.)
X = 10,000 (With a line over the X.)
L = 50,000 (With a line over the L.)
C= 100,000 (With a line over the C.)
D = 500,000 (With a line over the D.)
M = 1,000,000 (With a line over the M.)
When there is a line or bar placed over a letter or a string of letters, multiply the original value by 1,000 .
(i.e. : XV = 15 and XV with a bar over it equals 15,000.)
A letter repeated once or twice repeats its value that many times.
(i.e.: XXX = 30; CC = 200; Etc.)
One or more letters placed after another letter of GREATER value increases the greater value by the amount of the smaller value.
(i.e.: VI = 6; LXX = 70; MCC = 1,200; etc.)
A letter placed BEFORE a letter of GREATER value decreases the greater value by the amount of the smaller value.
(i.e.: IV = 4; XC = 90; CM = 900; etc.)
Misc. Examples:
MCMLXIII = 1,963
MMVIII = 2,008
The picture above doesn't exactly pertain to this post, but I thought I should post it anyway since David has obviously spent a lot of time in the gym. Also, a word of warning: do NOT play stone face with David to see who will blink first. One day, he and I played 100 games of stone face, and he won all but one game. He did contest my one victory, however. Winning evidentally means a lot to him. David and I met at a nudist colony near Rome one summer. He said I was the first person to actually talk to him in the many months he had been staying there. He said he tried to start conversations with some of the other colony visitors, but they just ignored him. David said it was like talking to a statue with those people. On a positive note, he said the pigeons really liked him. He told me if the only friend he will ever make there is a pigeon, well, he is going to be grateful for that pigeon, and not take it for granite.
May 30, 2007 WED. 12:15 PM AZ
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